Sam Hang
Hi, my name is Samnang Hang. Everyone calls me Sam because it is easier. I was born in Thailand. Originally I was supposed to be born and raised in Cambodia. I play drums for an experimental death metal band called The Summoned. We are based out of the Boston Massachusetts area under First to Fight record. My band mates and I have been jamming together for 6 years, but two years going on three as The Summoned. I love the music because I can incorporate a lot of my drumming style and it’s great. I mean the music consists of mostly fast blast beats, but there is also plenty of room for integrating other style such as jazz. Most importantly are my guys for they are such great musicians. I always wondered what it would be like to be in a band and if I will ever be a part of one. Looking back and now, there’s no regret with this decision. My influences are my family for them being so supportive and putting up with my noise and absence in most special occasions. More addition to my influence is all the great drummers I have seen and met in person. I enjoy watching live drummers no matter what style it is that they play because I always learn something by watching. One of the good out come of this was picking up on polyrhythm. Polyrhythm has open up so much more windows and freedom to expressing my self through my playing.
I started playing drums when I was 17 in my garage and jamming out with the guys currently in the band now. One of the fun memories was cops coming over ever every now and then telling us to take a break even though we sounded good, but only because the noise complaints from neighbors. The first year on drums, I was just messing around adjusting my limps so they can play different rhythms. After that first year I started to get more serious with drums, learning more techniques, and stick controls and such. I used to be a heavy hitter going through cymbals like it’s no one business, but I’ve learn how to control my hits. Not with so much of power, but more dynamics and accents. Every time I jump on my drums I always learn something new or figure out and getting into what I was learning the day before. One of my biggest “drumming” goals is to bring in my Cambodian cultural music especially the timing signatures into my drum world. There’s always something to gain. Drumming is a never ending fun no matter what I play.
The sound and tones of cymbals was never really my concern until 5 years in into my drumming career. I started to have the urge to pick the right sounding cymbals for my 7-piece Pearl Export. The urge to hear each part in a song being brought out to it’s fullest by using the right sounding cymbals. I went through 4 different types of cymbals until I found Soultone cymbals and I am very happy with the sound quality that they produce with every hit. They don’t over power my drums at all. They just hover keeping the tone nice and crisp. I am currently using the M series and I am enjoying it more and more as I blend them with my drums and my playing. Soultone cymbals are by far the best I’ve encountered and I will proudly continue to use them.
Official Website:
Youtube Video: The Flood
Live Video: Anatomy of a Bar Fight