Jon Young
Jon was born in 1986 in Amarillo, TX. His family moved to California when he was three. Jon formed his first band with middle school friends and named it BND (“Band Next Door”). He bought his best friend a cheap bass guitar and they practiced often, covering Blink 182 songs and coming up with original material. Jon then formed a new band that was all original, with the intent of playing live shows. The band went on to become “Back to Zero” which opened up for acts like The Addicts, Michale Graves, Youth Brigade, and TSOL.
While in Back to Zero, Jon decided to enroll into Musicians Institute. He attended PIT (Percussion Institute Of Technology), and after completing PIT he decided he wanted to live in Hollywood and attend RIT (Recording Institute of Technology). Jon interned and became a runner at Westlake Recording Studios and had some great experiences there, including multiple drum tracking sessions, and most of all, performing drums for a Shure drum mic seminar hosted by Eddie Kramer.
Jon decided he wanted to try another avenue in music. He formed a classic rock cover band called Rock Of Ages, who’s first show was at a local sports bar in Corona. KCAL FM was putting on the show and they really liked what Rock Of Ages had to offer. KCAL invited Rock Of Ages to be their go to cover band for their many promotional events including the opening of new clubs, college nights, bike runs etc… and was asked to be the house band for multiple local clubs. Rock Of Ages also did a couple of radio interviews to promote their upcoming shows with KCAL. Although there was some success in the band, there were also some major differences between members. The majority of the band did not have the same desire to make music their life.
In Fall 2011 Jon joined Roadside Ghost, an original alternative rock band, and became a driving member of the group. He just finished engineering their four song E.P. and is currently working on their full length L.P. Jon also teaches private lessons, and is ready for any new musical endeavor.