Veikko Heikkinen
My interest in drums started back in the late 70's when I was a young kid (approx: 4 years old). I listened to a live recording (live in Scandinavia) with a Danish band called Gasolin.
In that recording there was a drum solo which I was very impressed of back then. After that I continued listening to different drummers, since I thought this is what I wanted to do.
Several years later, around the year of 1986 I decided to start playing drums for real and when I was about 17 years old I started to play daily in several bands and genres.
Mostly I've been playing metal since that's the music I grew up with and it stands close to my heart and soul and it is very important for my mental health.
After a few misfortunes like a bad injury with a broken elbow back in 1995, I had real complications playing drums again and all felt like a big suffering coming back again and lost all the hours I had behind the drums, made me come to the conclusion that I would quit playing drums back in 1999.
But 3 years later without looking at drums at all, a close friend to me called and asked if I wanted to play in a band again. So at spring 2002 I called back and said I could try it out and see what it felt like being in a band again.
So still today I am in the same band and we have played many awesome gigs,
and having loads of fun on the road.
As someone told me
"You can never be fulfilled playing drums"
Wild youth"87-92”: Nugatory"92-98”: All orange"95-99”: Bang gang"1999”: Evil conspiracy"02-????”: Downfall"2011-??"