Jon Moore |

Jon Moore

Jon Moore

I started playing the drums when I was three years old. Really always playing on whatever I could find until I was about five years old when I got my first drum set. I was always playing and practicing and so by the time I was seven years old I was a full time church drummer. I never learned how to read music and never had any lessons so I always played by feeling and by ear. I continued playing in church until I was twenty years old. During that time I had been in a band full time as well, and now I am playing back at church just recently. I am Always playing shows, and have recorded three albums. For my church, I competed in and placed in three different talent competitions, in which I won all three state competitions and placed in all three international competitions. I love to play the drums and make music and it will always be my life. I can’t wait to see what happens next in my life with music and as a Soultone artist, and I couldn’t be happier to work with Soultone. These cymbals are absolutely amazing cymbals!

My Soultone Set: 

20” Old K Crash/ride
18” Old K Crash
17” Old K Crash
16” Custom Brilliant Crash
11” Custom Brilliant splash
14” Old K Hi Hats