Jacob Dugan | SoultoneCymbals.com

Jacob Dugan

Jacob Dugan

Hillsong/world worship/meil san marcos/ marcos barrientos/jesus culture

Jacob dugan, 40 currently playing at 2 churches, played for a lot of churches, faith assembly, temple of Jesus, church of christ, and many more, i do worship content, my web page is www.jacobdugan.com and my vimeo is jacob dugan82 and my YouTube is jacob dugan82. My facebook is jacob_dugan and the link to my videos done with the cymbals, https://vimeo.com/464884177

My Soultone Set: 

14" custom brilliant hi hats,
15" explosion crash
18" extreme crash
21" gospel ride,
21" custom brilliant crash
8" gospel splash
20" gospel crash