Joel Macias
Joel is 31 years old, born in Atlanta, Georgia. Currently has resided in Fayetteville, North Carolina for the last twenty-seven years. His interests in playing the drums started when he was fifteen years old. Since then Joel has been a part of eight bands which varied in many styles of metal music from speed metal to death core and has played 200 shows during this period of time. Slipknot and Lamb of God are the top two bands that created his love and interests for American Metal music. Right now, Joel is a part of Solomon Grundy, a heavy metal band. They recently recorded 2 singles which will be available via Spotify, Pandora and Amazon music.
14" Extreme Hi-Hat Pair
17" Extreme Crash
14" Extreme Crash
10" Extreme Splash
14" Extreme China
20" Extreme Mega Bell Ride
9" Natural Bell
14" Extreme Crash
16" Extreme China