Corey Jenkins |

Corey Jenkins

Corey Jenkins

Corey knew early on music was his career destiny. He actively participated in marching, jazz, concert and symphonic bands in Jr. high, High school, and the college levels.

As a professional drum artist Corey begin his career with the B-Katz ( Blues & Jazz Trio), after a five year run with the B-Katz he started recording and touring as an independent drum artist, with Dorothy Moore (R&B), Sally Jayne (Alternative Rock), Terrell (R&B) , Floyd Taylor (R&B), Zac Harmon (Blues), Vasti Jackson ( Blues, R&B), Tito Jackson (Blues, R&B), and Diunna Greenleaf (Blues) to name a few!!! Corey is also featured with the B-Katz in the film documentary Titled "The Blues" directed by Martin Scorsese.

This is the start of even greater things to come for Corey!!!