Rob Matteri
Rob Matteri is a talented and dedicated musician based out of Northern California. His unique use of linear phrasing and skillful dynamic control, coupled with his professionalism and drive, have made him a valuable asset to many musical projects.
Over the past twenty years, he has collaborated with artists in many genres - from funk and jazz, to country, blues and rock. These experiences have been instrumental in developing the style and versatility that is apparent in his playing today.
In addition to playing live performances and recording in the studio, Rob finds satisfaction in sharing his expertise with a new generation of drummers. He is a skillful teacher, and his patience and dedication to the art of drumming have helped to empower many students to reach their musical goals.
Currently, Rob performs with The Pat Jordan Band, and Blue Radio.
15” Custom Hi-hats
16” Extreme Crash
17” Custom Brilliant Crash
21” Custom Brilliant Ride