Davide Anselmi
Davide Anselmi is the International award-winning Drummer, Guitarist, Songwriter/Lyricist, Discographic and Cinematographic producer, he works with Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Universal Pictures, BBC, AMC, Netflix. In 2017 he has been accredited for the crew of the following films: Black Mirror, 13 Reasons Why, Grimm, Pacific Rim: Uprising and Maze Runner: The Death Cure. Progressive Rock / Metal, Jazz, Hard Rock and Orchestral Drummer, he's best known for his innate technique, grown mostly in recent years.
He composed seven albums among which : Eclipse, The Trilogy ( A Series of Catastrophic Events pt.1 / 2 & Theory of Everything ), Singles ( Equation of Links & Overture ), Walking Tragically and Tearstone.
Among the awards he received : " Best Prog Rock Orchestral 2013 Song ", "Youngest Orchestral 2013 Composer ", " Best Prog Rock Album Under 35 of 2016 " and now he's on the list for winning two other awards like : "Digital Gold Award - to the future milestone of 100,000 copies sold" and Design Awards 2017 for "Best CDs Minimalist Artwork".
His songs are broadcasted for 24.5% of television programs in Italy by the Discovery Channel channels, and the rest of the world for 6.8%.
Davide received at the beginning of 2015 an honorary degree in sound engineering, for the study of sound engineering faculty, however, for the way of composing the songs, and sounds contained within his albums, and in relation to this, he was appointed as an educator certified.
20" Gospel Ride - Davide Anselmi Signature
7" Gospel Splash - Davide Anselmi Signature
14" Extreme Hi Hats - Davide Anselmi Signature
16" Gospel Crash - Davide Anselmi Signature
20" Gospel Ride - Davide Anselmi Signature
22" Extreme Ride -...