Ahkeenu Musa
I was born in Seattle, Washington. I deeply love music, especially playing it, and has been surrounded by it his entire life. Over the years I have been blessed to study with noted master drummers in the Seattle community, as well as the country of Ghana West Africa. The real foundation, and inspiration in my life, was Master Drummer Ade' Harris of Ade'Fua African Drum and Dance Cultural Education Workshop. Master Drummer Ade' is from Harlem New York, and at age thirteen was taught by Cuban master drummer and lead drummer for the Babatunde Olatunji's drum ballet. The experiences in learning from these masters gave me a strong foundation in Funk, World-Music, Nigerian Rhythms, and Ghana Rhythms, Reggae, and Afro-Cuban genres. In addition I studied with Makeda, and Kareem Ebabe which laid ground work for my Congolese, and Guinea Rhythms.
I’ve also studied with noted Senegalese Djembe master Souleymane N' Diaye. Master Souleymane is a master at Sabaro drummer, Sabaro is a traditional Senegalese drum.Souleymane played with the National Ballet of Senegal, and is a Greiot descendent. This gave me a base in Senegalese rhythms and introduced me to Thion Diop. Thion Diop is a Senegalese Drum Master as well, and is also of the Griot lineage, I still continues to drum with Thion when ever is needed.
I’ve have traveled to Ghana to study Polongo rhythms with Swali a drum master, and close friend of Awal's in Tamale Ghana. Awal Alhassan is a Ghanaian Dance master and was born and raised into a drumming, and dancing family in Tamale Ghana. Awal introduced me to the family, friends, and there has been a tight bond and friendship every since.
I’m performing in several bands
Jefferson Rose Band, Kore-ionz, Stay Grounded, Little Big Man, Klyntel, Comfortfood, Adrian Xavior & friends, Herbivores, Yeke-Yeke, and . Some times I will sit in with Marmalaide, Funk-you to Death, or at the Mukushoot Casino and play with Darin Matammadi.
14" Latin Crash
08" Latin Splash