Jorrit Pruiksma
Jorrit Pruiksma finished in 2012 the study D’drive artist education in Leeuwarden. In this period, Jorrit has become a respected musician. After his graduation he founded the drum school Pruiksma Music.
The main activities of Pruiksma Music are; giving drum lessons, bucket drum workshops and session work. By giving bucket drum workshops, to sometimes hundreds of children at the same time, Jorrit managed to reach a large audience and hereby set Pruiksma music as a full worthy drum school on the map.
At this moment Jorrit is performing with Johannes Rypma (finalist of the Voice of Holland 2013) and the rock band Wavebreaker. In which he, in addition to the drums, supports the lead vocals. Furthermore Jorrit frequently contributed to new work of songwriters.
20" Latin Ride
18" Latin Crash
17" Latin Crash
14" Latin Hi Hats