Bryan Sweetser
Bryan Sweetser
Band: [footer]
Genre: Metal, Hard Rock
Home Town: Phoenix, AZ
Years drumming: 8
Gear: Orange County Drums and Percussion, Soultone Cymbals, Evans tom and bass heads, Remo snare heads, DW 9000 double pedal, Gibraltar hardware, Vater sticks, Skull Candy ear buds.
Influences: Anything. If it has a groove, I'm in it.
Favorite Bands: Soulfly, Sacred Reich, Flotsam and Jetsam, Testament,[sic]monic, anything old school.
Favorite Drummers: Zack Sewell (sicmonic), Greg Hall (sacred reich), Kelly Smith (ex Flotsam and Jetsam) , Joe Nunez (ex Soulfly), Tim Alexander (Primus), Neil Peart (Rush), Pete Webber (Havok)
Stage Experience: Tons
Spare time: Family, building hot rods, going to shows.