Zyed Kane II
Music started somewhere between playing my brother’s electronic drum-set, and being invited by mom on stage to mimic her vocal improvisations. Funfact: I also sang on Broadway for Disney’s The Lion King as “Young Simba”. I am currently subbing as the main pianist, and secondary drummer for St Luke Cogic under Bishop James C. Austin; head Bishop of 5th District in Chicago. I believe music is the dramatical emphasis of a story. I love a good story. I can’t wait to include Soultone Cymbals in mine. Special Thanks to Nick Smith for being the spark to a raging fire. I am super excited to share my Soultone story with you.
Instagram: zyedkaneii
Facebook: Zyed Lil-greedy Kane II
YouTube: Zyed Kane II
20" Natural Ride
19" Custom Brilliant Crash
14" Vintage Old School Patina Hi Hat Pair
18" Extreme Crash