Wanderson Araújo | SoultoneCymbals.com

Wanderson Araújo

Wanderson Araújo

Wanderson Araújo (Wandrummer)

Married with Luzeline Araujo, singer of worship team from National Baptist Church in Sao Luis, father of two kids, Benjamin and Louise, I was born in Brasilia – DF, capital of Brazil on September 03rd 1977, then at the age of 8 I came to live in Sao Luis/MA with my mother and 2 brothers, my mother’s hometown.

My mother’s dream was that all of her sisters and brother should play instruments or sing with her in the church because my late grandfather was an exceptional acoustic guitar player. The passion for the music came when I was 14 years old, starting to play a digital drum without compromise.

One year later, this passion was coming stronger and I started to play the electronic drums, a Yamaha DD14, then, borrowing an acoustic drum from a friend of mine to improve my groove.

After six or seven months a friend from church gave me an acoustic drum, but it was made at home by him, the bass drum was made with a steel drum cut in half, ton tons and floor ton in plywood and cymbal stands with some pieces of lath and I kept on training.

In 1994 I started to play the drums with a good drums made by Thunder, the pastor bought for my church where I’m still presently.

I participated in a local band called Ragi for 4 years. This band I played drums together with one of my brothers playing the bass in funk and pop styles.

In 1997 my dream to buy my first drums with my own hard work as Marine Surveyor in Itaqui Port became real.

Local Christian artists also I contributed with my groove like Saul Gutman, Simeao Lima, Naum Esteves, Lidia Soares, Ludmila Amaral and many known Brazilian gospel singers that I had the pleasure to play with: David M. Qinlan, Nil (ex Domino), Sidney Cerqueira (ex Fat Family – in memorian), Baby do Brasil, Fernando Fe (ex Olodum).

My Soultone Set: 

7" Extreme Splash
9" Extreme Splash
11" Extreme Splash
15" Extreme Crash
16" Custom Crash
17" Custom Crash
17" FXO 12
16" Gospel China
22" Gospel Ride
13" Gospel Hi Hat


Playing in the church with my setup.
Stick tricks.
Maranhao Drummers Festival
Preparing and checking the tunning.
My wife and me prior festival commencement.
Wanderson Araújo Album 8
After event, explaining about snare drum tunning by Udo Mashoff technique.
Professor Rogerio Leitao explaining some topics of local rithms.
May 18, 2019. At the end of Worship and Praise Night event.


Wed 18

On May 16th more than 20 drummers from São Luis/Maranhao, Brazil had the first festival playing songs from local... Read More