Michael Hansen
Michael Hansen is a 22 year old drummer from Buffalo, NY. With 10 years of experience, a broad range of musical projects reaching over the boundaries of punk rock, hardcore, and hip-hop, and a wide variety of influences incorporated into his style, the player's ability can only be summed up by one word: Passion. Since the beginning of his time as a musician, Michael strives to communicate his love for playing by offering explosive, yet tight performances. When asked about his over-all idea on what he has accomplished, and where he plans to go with his musical career, he explained "The only thing I need to do in order to feel accomplished as a musician, drummer, and a human being is to express a message to people during a performance. Seeing a drummer is one thing. Feeling a drummer is something else entirely. That's all I want out of it. It isn't about my experience or accomplishments, it's about heart, and I plan to take this as far as it will let me. I wouldn't dream of calling myself successful unless I've been able to share this whole thing with people along the way". Currently, Michael focusing on his punk/indie project called Pentimento, and is on tour to promote Pentimento's new EP "WRECKED", set to be released on Panic Records. Be sure to stay tuned to catch Pentimento in your area during the summer!