Matthew Stoner
i started playing drums when i was 11 years old, i saw a band called Kurios playing at a local event and was amazed by their drummer. so i asked him to teach me how to play. Since then i've branched off into other instruments like guitar, bass, piano, and so on, but nothing feels as natural as playing the drums. My most inspiring drumming mentors have been Keith McGonigle (formerly of Kurios) obviously because he got me into drumming, my good friend Kevin Rooney (studio/touring session drummer) my friend Mike Hnath from the band Ark Of The Covenant, and my close friend Jack hen who played in my youth groups worship band, most recently from the band Cinema24. i like to pick their brains on styles and technique. i've been in many different types of music projects playing drums, from electronics metal, pop punk, hardcore, pop, and worship. my most current projects have been playing in an acoustic pop band called Safe Bet Secret, and a traveling worship band called Out Of Hiding.
i use a 20" custom brilliant RA crash/ride, 19" vintage crash, and 14" custom brilliant hi hats. i like ti keep it simple and compact, plus the small setup forces me to be creative.
20" custom brilliant RA crash/ride,
19" vintage crash,
14" custom brilliant hi hats