Matthew Campbell
Matthew Campbell (Born July 10th 1991) has had a passion for drumming from a very young age. With a love for musical genres ranging from Modern Metal Hardcore to 19th Century Classical Music and everything in between he grew up playing drum set and later moved into the Marching and Classical percussion world. Matt is a very versatile Drummer/Percussionist who is currently a music student at Western Connecticut State University studying under Percussion Icon David Smith of the New Haven Symphony Orchestra and Vic Firth Artist Doug Perry. Matt teaches percussion at a few different New York and Connecticut high schools. He is also the drummer for the Connecticut based Metal band, Art Of The Enemy. Matt endorses SJC Custom Drums and Soultone Cymbals.
Instagram @mattcdrumsalot
Matt’s Youtube Channel
Art Of The Enemy
21" Extreme Ride
14" Extreme Hi Hats
18" Extreme China
8" Extreme Splash
19" Gospel Crash
17" Gospel Crash
16" Custom Brilliant FXO 6 Effect China