Leonardo Jobst | SoultoneCymbals.com

Leonardo Jobst

Leonardo Jobst


Leonardo Jobst nacio el 15 de octubre de 1985 en la ciudad de zarate ARGENTINA sus comienzos como baterista datan del año 1999 donde comenzo golpeando algunos sillones en la casa de su madre mientras de fondo escuchaba phill collins, un año mas tarde con amigos del colegio y su hermano menor forma su primera banda de garage llamada STYMPY con mucha influencia punk old school, un año mas tarde se muda a cordoba donde pasó por distintas bandas ya mas progresivas en sus composiciones PERROS DE LA CALLE, JUMP & SMILE, EITI LEDA, DEPORTIVO RUSA y SOCIEDAD RUSA
Despues de 7 años vuelve a zarate donde forma con un grupo de amigos KIEVRE una banda de new metal melodico donde editan un demo, ya a fines de 2010 se une junto a sus dos hermanos a ULTIMO RECURSO una banda de trash metal de los años 90 donde actualmente sigue formando parte como baterista aportando nueva vida y groove a las canciones viejas de la banda y lo nuevo mas progresivo en sus composiciones compartiendo escena con grandes bandas del rock nacional Argentino
Su educacion como baterista es totalmente autodidacta y sus mayores influencias son Phill Collins, Chad Smith y Nicko Mcbrian

Leonardo Jobst was born on October 15, 1985 in the city of Zarate ARGENTINA, his beginnings as a drummer began in 1999 when he started hitting some chairs in the house of his mother while listening in the background to Phill Collins, a year later with friends from school and his younger brother formed his first garage band called STYMPY very influential punk old school, a year later he moved to Cordoba, where he joined several more progressive in their compositions bands such as: PERROS DE LA CALLE, JUMP & SMILE, EITI LEDA, DEPORTIVO RUSA and SOCIEDAD RUSA.

After seven years he returns to Zarate where with a group of friends they form KIEVRE a new metal melodic band , together they edit a demo, and in late 2010 he joined with his two brothers ULTIMO RECURSO a band of thrash metal of the 90s where he currently remains part as a drummer and groove bringing new life to old songs from the band and the new more progressive in their compositions, sharing the stage with great Argentine national rock bands. His education is completely self-taught drummer and his biggest influences are Phil Collins, Chad Smith and Nicko McBrian.

My Soultone Set: 

14” Custom brilliant hi hat
16” Custom brilliant crash
18” Custom brilliant crash
20” Custom brilliant ride
16” Extreme china
