Lawrence L-Mo Moses |

Lawrence L-Mo Moses

Lawrence L-Mo Moses

Born December 10th, 1985 in the heart of Newark, New Jersey was a child who was blessed with a true musical gift. God allowed this gift to flourish within Lawrence L-Mo Moses at the age of 6 in which one day Lawrence would share his drumming passion with the world. Just as all artists have to begin to show their works somewhere, Lawrence began to play the drums for his home church at the young age of 8. While in middle school, Lawrence learned the difference in just playing the drums, and having a great knowledge of what one is playing. Through dedicated rudimental practice, which also consisted of studying and playing the drums, Lawrence grew strongly and skillfully as a musician.
Staying both humble and faithful to his gift, Lawrence has played for a few local artists in his hometown of Newark, New Jersey and also with some of the best musicians in the tri-state area. Currently, Lawrence teaches drums for his own up and coming company Y.M.G. Lawrence also plays for Higher Ground Ministries in Newark NJ and also he plays for Be Ye Steadfast Ministries international where he is well known for his unique sense of musical style. Even with a humble heart, from thanking those at Soultone Cymbals to thanking those who have prayed for this blessing, Lawrence knows that none of this would be possible without his Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

My Soultone Set: 

12" Latin Splash
13" Latin Hi Hat Pair
14" Latin China
21" Latin Crash/Ride
16" Latin Crash
17" Latin Crash
17" FXO 6 Effect Crash