Kaz Bialobrzeski | SoultoneCymbals.com

Kaz Bialobrzeski

Kaz Bialobrzeski

Kaz is a self-taught drummer with six year experience. His passion for the drums first arose from his love of Guitar Hero and Rock band, which is where he first tried drumming. He has been passionate about teaching himself everything he can about the real thing ever since and now he currently plays in the band Dream Season; an alternative rock music group from Adelaide. Previously he played in a highly energetic metal band; I, Icarus.

Some of his biggest accomplishments not only as an artist, but as a band has been supporting music icons such as NORTHLANE, ERRA, SWORN IN, SECRETS, SLAVES (USA) and many more! Kaz would like to personally add "Whoever took the time to read this far, thank you! And I encourage you to chase any ambition you have whether that be drumming or another talent. You’ll never know where it will take you."

He is also Endorsed by Collision Drumsticks.

My Soultone Set: 

14" Custom Brilliant HiHats
10" Extreme Series Splash
16" Custom Brilliant Crash
14" Extreme Series China
18" Custom Brilliant Crash
21" Custom Brilliant Ride
18" Extreme Series China


All That's Gone
Locust / Moths