Joshua Luciano
Joshua Luciano has been playing the drums for 9 years. He started at the age of 11 and has been playing ever since. Joshua Luciano was born, March 6th, 1987. His parents, Juan and Deborah Luciano, have been great supporters for his music as well as his church (John 3: 16). Born and raised in the Latin Community in North Philadelphia, his first time playing was at his church, “I was actually pushed on the drum set by my God-bro, because there was no one to play the drums”, Josh says. He is the MD in his church and has played for churches in Philadelphia and California, non-profit organizations, and District Services. He is currently playing and recording for, Four 24, and Millie Batista, and Christian Reggeaton recording artist Otoniel. Josh’s passion for drums and overall music is great. Joshua will be attending Valley Forge Christian College for Music.
Joshua Luciano has been influenced by: George “Spanky” McGrudy, Sheila E., Aaron Spears, Lil John Roberts, Gerald Heyward, Calvin Rogers, Mike Clemons, and Heracio “El Negro” Hernandez.
“Once I heard Soul Tone cymbals at a drum shed, I had to get more information on them! They have such an intriguing sound. I play mostly Gospel, R & B, Latin, Rock, and these cymbals will do the job well!” “ The reason why I would like to endorse Soul Tone is because I want to be with a company who has a variety of cymbals and these cymbals will also be heard within the Spanish community as well.” William Weeks was the person who gave more information about Soul Tone.