Jonas Baier |

Jonas Baier

Jonas Baier

My name is Jonas and i come from a town called Recklinghausen in the Western part of Germany.
I started playing drums when i was 11.
For the first four years i took drum lessons and after that i continued teaching myself via books and Youtube videos.
When i was 15 a friend and me started our first band. After a lot of changes and many kilometres our band „Burning Down Alaska“ was founded.
It took some time to find the sound and style which we now call „New Wave Melodic Hardcore“.
I am proud to be part of the Soultone family.
I really love the sound of the cymbals i play and especially the support the company offers me.

I am happy to represent Soultune Cymbals with the following setup :
20'' Custom Brilliant Crash
19'' Custom Brilliant Crash
18'' Custom Series Crash
20'' FXO12
14" Custom Brilliant Hi Hats

My Soultone Set: 

20'' Custom Brilliant Crash
19'' Custom Brilliant Crash
18'' Custom Series Crash
20'' FXO12
14" Custom Brilliant Hi Hats

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