Jiří Januš
Aged 38 years, living for most of my life in the Czech Republic. Started to play drums at
the age of 16, and this was my whole life game changer. From then all my life is just pure
passion for drumming.
Fun fact: Naturally I´m right handed, but when I sit behind the kit I´m playing left handed
and I´m proud lefty. :-)
Started my career at my local high school punk band, then moved to another punk band
called „Paragraf 219“ (according to the czech law, this was the pararaph for a murder)
where spent 6 years from 2006 to 2012 and recorded 2 albums (2006, 2009). From 2012
to 2018 I was indipendent without any band and during that time I moved from Prague to
Pilsen, where I still live.
In 2019 I joined rock band called „Cerberos“ and in 2022 I recorded album with this band.
After that on summer of 2022 I left this band and joined another rock band „Way To“,
where I still play drums. In March 2024 I recorded 4 singles with the band „Way To“ and we
are preparing a new album. In April 2024 I also joined metal band called „HI - FLY“ which
is also big game changer for me and with this band, I´m preparing summer tour and after
that we are plannig studio session to record some fresh songs.
In meantime I work as a paramedic for living.
Current setup:
Drum kit: Dixon Artisan North America Ultra Maple
22x18 BD, 14x14 FT, 8x6 TT, 10x7 TT, 12x8 TT, 14x6,5 SD
Hardware: Gibraltar (rack, cymbal arms, Hi - Hat stand)
Mapex Falcon double pedal
Social media links:
I was looking for some great quality and great sounding cymbals for a while. I used to play
different brand, but when I first heard Soultone Cymbals and had a chance to try them I
knew, that this is what I want.
Amazing sound, great look and feel is what I expected and I exactly got that. When I feel
good in rehearsal room or on stage I know, that my band members will feel good too. And
this is most important for me as a drummer.
My Custom Series are nice and bright, cuts through as I need and has amazing dynamics
and feel , which is for me the biggest game changer.
In Soultone I feel really like a family member, they provide great and friendly support. And
this gives me the time to focus on practice and play drums, which I love the most.
20 Custom series Ride
19 Custom series Crash
17 Custom series Crash
18 Brilliant China
2x 14 Custom series Hi - Hat