Jasper Salary | SoultoneCymbals.com

Jasper Salary

Jasper Salary

Jasper Salary was born in Montgomery, Al. July 31st1979. He began his love of drums at the very early age of 5; beating on pots and pans around the home. As a young boy, Jasper began playing at his church slowly learning his skill set and developing the ability to play various speeds and rhythms. Learning how to read music became important and brought about the accumulation of all-state honors and many musical accolades. As a student at Alabama State University, Jasper participated in the marching band ( Alabama State University Mighty Marching Hornets), Jazz Band, Symphonic Band, and was a member of the Montgomery Symphony Orchestra. Jasper also played drums for “The Wiz” production at Alabama State University. After college Jasper began to play with local bands including rock bands, neo soul, contemporary jazz bands, and funk bands. Jasper continues to gig around Charlotte, NC and play at church consistently.



Email: jaspersalary79@gmail.com

My Soultone Set: 

21" Explosion Ride
16" Gospel Crash
13" Explosion Hi Hat Pair
17" FXO 6
10" FXO 5
15" Gospel China FXO