Jason Lewis
Jason Lewis, born to play drums there is no doubt. His mother has said that even while in the womb, every time music was played, he would move around so much it would make her sick. His parents always said that he would be musically inclined. They got that right!
Born in Dayton, Ohio on March 11, 1975, by age 5 he got one of those department store brand drums that only lasted a week! His Father searched the trading post and found another kit which lasted a few more years. Then at age 12 he got his real kit which is still being played to this day. Whether at church, in the studio or in the company of the many bands and artists he performed with, he pounds away at any opportunity that arises.
As Jason grew up, he started playing many different genres of music from Southern Gospel to Rock. He has been well known as a great "church drummer" with good control of the dynamics of playing drums. Currently, he has been playing for the well known mega-church, Solid Rock in Monroe, Ohio. Jason has done drum work on the television show "Sisters" which aired on the Christian networks worldwide. Also, he has worked in the studio with the Christian Rock band Bride, artists such as Lawrence Bishop II and many other bands.
Now, he is glad to be a part of the Soultone Family.