Greg O'Neill
Greg O'Neill was born in Tampa, Florida in 1995 and moved to California in 1998 . He was brought into music at a very early age from his parents love of classic rock bands such as; Black Sabbath, Aerosmith ,AC/DC and, Led Zeppelin. He started taking up guitar at age 6 and bass at age 9 only to find his true calling a year later and took up drums at age 10. He took drum lessons for a year from Max McVeety (Crown City Rockers, Ex- Big D and The Kids Table).
At age 12 Greg joined the middle school jazz band and started broadening his musical horizons and started listening to more jazz, classical, reggae, ska , and mostly METAL (styles such as the bands Slipknot, Tool , Cannibal Corpse, The Black Dahlia Murder ,and Slayer). With that Greg plunged into San Francisco Bay Area's vast underground metal scene.
He started playing guitar for a local band but with lack of success and musical differences they kicked him out. Down but not out he joined a thrash metal band named Apothesary as a drummer. Within a month of their first show, they gained much success and great feedback from bigger local bands such as RU36 and Dissimulated.
Now Greg is Playing with Apothesary and playing gigs regularly. He has also been self-teaching himself how to do odd time signatures and more rudiments.