Fabian Manser
Fabian Manser was born on 13 January 1991 at the Canton Thurgau.
At the age of 5 years Fabian found the interest in percussion. He developed very quickly and so after a short time rang the standard grooves. He practiced for regularly in the basement with the help of CD's. His joy and interest in this instrument evolved eager and so he visited already by 8 years the music school to develop for 4 years.
The years went by and it was time to hit the stage in front of the public.
With student and newcomer band's Fabian graduated first public appearances and so a further step in its course was taken.
With TellMeFairytale he could cope with the first studio recordings for the first album in-2013.
As a temporary drummer in other bands, the beat came abruptly to major regional theaters.
Currently Fabian's musical road with the folk-rock band "SEERUGGE FEGER". Successes as numerous performances at home and abroad as well as TV appearances are the result of years of efficient sample to the instrument.
Who would like to experience the power of Match Fabian once live, may like to refer to the current data under www.seeruggefeger.ch.