Eddie Sanchez | SoultoneCymbals.com

Eddie Sanchez

Eddie Sanchez


As a musician, there are many aspects that encompass one's art, style and tones. Eddie Sanchez is a drummer who implements a true gold tone in his original style of playing. He has been playing for over 20 years, thus has dedicated the vast majority of his life to music and emphasized the worshiping of God; he lives by the standard, "I will serve the Lord with all my heart." Eddie currently congregates at Llamada Final Ministries in Downey, California and is one of the main drummers for the various worship teams but is the sole drummer for the congregation's own recording band, Inspiracion. However, Inspiracion is not the only worship group he has had the opportunity to share the stage with. He has also participated with other Latin American worship groups such as Miel San Marcos, Fernel Monrory, Explosion de Gloria, Elim Los Angeles, and more recently the new and upcoming worship group U4W. Although most of Eddie's music production is within his congregation, he has also participated in many other events within the Christian community. Eddie's tireless dedication is now allowing him the opportunity to pursue a profession in the music business, which has been a longtime dream of his.

My Soultone Set: 

16" Gospel Crash
13" Gospel Hi Hat Pair
18" Gospel Crash
16" Gospel China
20" Gospel Ride
13" Custom Hi Hat Pair
14" Latin Crash
12" FXO
16" Extreme Crash
20" Extreme Crash