David Castelló | SoultoneCymbals.com

David Castelló

David Castelló


David Castelló, born on July 16, 1972 in Madrid, Spain. Started playing
drums and formed his first band in High school. Crazy the band formed
with his brother recorded his first album with the same name of the band,
Crazy, where a variety of spanish rock artist were playing with a lot a
His learning at first was largely self-taught, and learned techniques
from different books and videos.
He achieved technical perfection with teachers from local schools and
attending seminars of great drummers like Luis García and Jose Martos.
Currently playing with Legendary Rock Spanish Artist Ramoncín. Over the
past few years, David Castelló has been recording with him the last five
studio albums and playing around Spain and Mexico on every Ramoncin´s
tours from 2003.

My Soultone Set: 

13" Custom Brilliant series HH.
21” Extreme series Ride.
12” Custom Series Splash.
8" Custom Series Splash.
6" Fx Bell!
18" Custom series Crash.
16" Custom series China.
16" Custom series Crash


The Cover Band
Memoria Audiovisual
Cuando el Diablo canta