Dario Quintana | SoultoneCymbals.com

Dario Quintana

Dario Quintana


Born on December 4, 1988 in the city of New California - Rondônia, drummer Dario Quintana Albuquerque or simply Dario Quintana, has always lived in acriano territory, and it was there that he began his career as a drummer. In Acre, the state of Acre, studied with multi-instrumentalist Junius Mendes, currently residing in Miami.
Since then Dario Quintana has always been unique church musician, this time played with great singers and composers of Brazilian music such as Gospel, Pastor Luiz Gonzaga, Robinson Monteiro, Chagas Sobrinho, Jorge Araújo and Eula Paula. Also toured with the North American jazz singer Dina Blade, and also was part of the band instrumental music Jazz Quartet Brazucas. Also performed activities with the Brazilian Multi-instrumentalist Aurismar the Holy Spirit. He joined the faculty of the School of Music's largest Acre, the EMAC.
Currently part of the Band of the Military Police of the State of Acre, the Worship Band and Choir participates Joven Soul Music of the Evangelical Church Assembly of God, and still does work as Recordings for gospel musicians in studios and workshops and private lessons.

My Soultone Set: 

17" Gospel Crash
8" Gospel Splash
17" Extreme Crash with holes
14" Gospel Hi Hat Pair
16" Extreme Crash
15" Extreme China
17" Extreme Crash
20" Gospel Ride
10" Gospel Splash