Bobby Brinson
As many aspiring drummers, Bobby got his drumming start early in life. Around the age of 5 Bobby’s uncle gave him his first drum for Christmas. Bobby’s uncle was the lead band director at Angelo State University and he wanted to get him started early! His parents will tell you that once he beat that drum for the first time that was the beginning of the end.
Fast forward into Jr. High and High school, Bobby did all of the same things every small town kid did. He played all of the sports for his school in De Leon, Texas and ran around with friends. He did, although, stay close to his drums as he played in the different school bands. His band director and fellow band mates often complained about his “noise” level as he proved early to be a hard hitting drummer behind the kit. Going into college he played in a few bands but never really pursed anything long term.
After many years of being out of music Bobby found his drums again and purchased his first kit in many years. He was excited to help teach his son to play but soon he heard through the rumor mill that a local band needed a drummer. Bobby first blew off the opportunity but after much encouragement from his wife he finally auditioned. The rest has been history. Bobby played for the Kevin Seale Band for a few years and recorded the drums on Kevin’s 3rd album “6 Pack”. He now plays for the Texas Country band The Remains and is excited to be laying the tracks for their upcoming album. When you hear Bobby’s story you soon realize that dreams do come true and that when you least expect it positive things can happen. Bobby now resides in Early Texas with his wife Terri and their two children. Keep an eye out for The Remains and when you hear those loud, driving backbeats, you’ll know where they came from.