Adriana Palma |

Adriana Palma

Adriana Palma

Adriana Palma was born on February 7th, 1986 and raised in San José, Costa Rica, where her interest in music started at an early age.

She is the drummer for Los Espejos and Viking (alternative rock bands). Palma began taking drum lessons at the age of thirteen when she studied with Mauricio Gámez, costarican professor graduated from LAMA (Los Angeles Music Academy) and was exposed to many different styles of music. Drumming immediately became her life.

Adriana says her biggest influences are Zeppelin’s drummer John Bonham and Tool’s Danny Carey. Other favorites include drummers Chad Smith, Taylor Hawkins, Travis Barker, Josh Freese and Jojo Mayer and bands such as The Beatles, Metallica, NIN, Bruno Porter and A Perfect Circle. She is also a fan of blues, electronic and shoegaze music.

An accomplished, goal oriented, yet not showy drummer, Adriana Palma has become a well-respected drummer, a solid entrepreneur and bandleader in Costa Rica´s music scene. Her groovy feel, tight tempo, hard hitting power and her passion for the instrument makes her a key asset in live shows and recording sessions.

She went to Berklee College of Music mentored by John Blackwell and has a specialist degree in Music Business. As a record label executive, she has taken an important role as Digital Business Director for Sony Music Central America and the Caribbean and has contributed to different projects within the Latin American region.

Adriana’s set up:

- Ludwig Vistalite Drums (24x20 Bass Drum, 18x16 floor tom, 15x14 tom and 14x6.5 snare).

- Soultone Cymbals.

- Vater Hickory drumsticks.

Here are my links: