Imre Togyeriska |

Imre Togyeriska

Imre Togyeriska

Imre Togyeriska is a Hungarian drummer with a style ranging from pop to metal. He started playing at six, and was inspired by drummers like György Martonosi, Tamás Tóth, Ádám Markó and Eric Moore. Beside drums Imre started playing on bass guitar a few years ago. He joined his first band at the age of 12. In 2023, he became the drummer of Roses of Thieves. The band released their debut album in 2024. The same year, they toured in Europe with Alestorm and in Hungary with Paddy and the Rats.

My Soultone Set: 

20" Natural Prototype Ride
18" Gospel Crash
18" Heavy Hammered Prototype Crash
18" Extreme China
14" Extreme Hi Hats
8" Extreme Splash