Chris Hogge
I was born in Poquoson, Virginia in 1985. A small town of about 12,000 people. Growing up with
music all around me. My father being a drummer himself, uncles and cousins being guitar
players. From as early as I can remember until I was thirteen/ fourteen years old every weekend
my family and I were going somewhere to listen to my dad’s band play music. My parents have
always told me that when I was a baby and strong enough to hold things in my hand , I had a
pair of drumsticks in them. They have also told me that I took my first steps as a youngster trying
to get to the stage. I started playing a full set of drums when I was seven years old. Once I was
able to stay in tempo , my father would let me sit in on a few songs and then eventually the
whole set. In high school me and some friends would jam out to RUSH songs in hopes of being
able to start playing out in front of crowds , but that quickly faded when our lead guitar player
moved away. After graduating from high school, we all kinda went our separate ways. I then
started a career in law enforcement and got married, only to play in church every Sunday. I am
now focusing on my music and seeing how far this journey will take me. My musical influences
are Neil Peart, Mike portnoy, but my biggest influence comes from my father. Without him introducing
me to music lord knows what I’d be doing. Follow me on Instagram @chrishogge2112 and YouTube @ Chris Hogge and TikTok
21" Latin Ride
17" Custom Brilliant Crash
16" Custom Brilliant Crash
16" Latin Crash
10" Latin Splash
10" Custom Brilliant Splash
14" Latin China
14" Latin Hi Hat Pair