Zack Farmer |

Zack Farmer

Zack Farmer

Zack was born in New York, grew up in Duluth, MN, and is currently a resident of North St. Paul, MN. He grew up with music constantly on in the home, with most being from the 50s & 60s, and also 70s rock. His first drum set was given to him on Christmas of '96 and he said the sticks just felt perfect in his hands. As Zack grew up, he gravitated towards, and was mesmerized by, the big booming power and swift fills of John Bonham of Led Zepplin, and when he plays today, he tries to emulate Bonham's conviction and power in his own style of drumming.

Prior to Whiskey Burn, Zack played in a few garage punk and metal bands, but he states that he is having the most fun with Whiskey Burn's formula as a band. He loves looking out into the crowd from the riser and seeing everyone smiling, laughing, and having fun. Zack sums it up best: "Putting the week's troubles aside and being in the moment; that's what I love about being in Whiskey Burn. No matter what has gone on during the week for us or for our fans, we are all there in that venue having a good time......together. Music really does unite"

My Soultone Set: 

20" Abby Ride
18" Abby Crash
16" Abby Crash
14" Abby Hi Hats

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