Zach Lewis |

Zach Lewis

Zach Lewis

A passionate and “lifetime” drummer in Northeast GA, Zach Lewis from an early age often found himself playing churches, local events and of course the garage of most every middle and high school friend he had, just jamming with mates. Then again isn’t that every drummer on the planet’s story? Those are the times people and places that shaped the versatile yet still classic chops Zach is known for today.

Born March 27, 1987 in Gainesville, GA, he now resides with his wife and 2 kids not far away in Cleveland, GA. Zach grew up playing in his dad’s church but he’s always felt that pull toward the “dark side”… hard rock and heavy metal which now influence his playing more than any other genre. Zach’s played in bands all his life, but his most recent and notable opportunity came in 2022 when he was asked to join Christian Deathcore band With Blood Comes Cleansing. This sparked the writing of new music that was released in 2023. Zach is featured
on their newest singles "Pericardial Effusion" and "Euangalion". 2023 also marks the year of With Blood Comes Cleansing's return as a band after taking more than a decade of a sabbatical, and with that return, Zach has been able to play festivals with bigger acts such as BodySnatcher, Bury Your Dead, Hatebreed, and Impending Doom.

His future plans are to continue playing at his local church and in With Blood Comes Cleansing as much as his now busy schedule allows.




My Soultone Set: 

20” Extreme Crash
18” Extreme Crash
16” Abby Crash
!4” Extreme Hi-Hats
20” Extreme China w/ Reverse Bell
20” Mega Bell Extreme Ride