Tyler Kirgiss | SoultoneCymbals.com

Tyler Kirgiss

Tyler Kirgiss


Tyler Kirgiss has been a prominent player in the Chicago music scene, formerly taking his position behind the kit for “Counterfeit i” (2012 – 2014) and “The Lifeline” (2015), while filling in for other regional acts such as Zach Pietrini. He has played Soultone cymbals since 2012 and swears by them.

In 2015, Tyler and guitarist Michael Milkowski co-founded the rock group “Lustera”. Since then, Lustera has worked hard to establish themselves in the underground music scene, making their mark through touring the Midwest and sharing their unique blend of post-hardcore and post-rock. From an artistic standpoint, their aim is to create original, heavy, honest music that challenges and inspires.

2017 is set to be a big year for this Chicago band with the February release of their debut EP, “Farpoint”. The group has no plans of slowing down anytime soon and they are ramping up their touring schedule.

For a full list of tour dates, visit http://www.facebook.com/lusteramusic or follow Lustera on the BandsInTown app. The new EP and merch will be available through http://lusteramusic.bandcamp.com.

My Soultone Set: 

21" Custom Brilliant Ride
19" Custom Brilliant Crash
18" Extreme Crash
18" Custom Brilliant Crash
14" Custom Brilliant Hi Hats


 Counterfeit i - Still, Vol. II