Tracy Duty |

Tracy Duty

Tracy Duty

The Alive

I started off beating the crap out of my grandmother's pots and pans at a young age till she gave in and got me this cheap no name little blue pawn shop drum set. The noise level didn’t get any better but the cost of replacing kitchen ware did. I was first attracted to Peter Criss from KISS because of all the makeup which probably influenced me the most on my path for playing drums. After getting past all the makeup I fell into his style of solid and sometimes jazzy approach to playing. Never not being a student I always pick up and find new things from the masters like Bonham, Ringo Star, Alex Van Halen as well as guys like Bun E Carlos, Phil Rudd, and Tommy Lee. I could fill a page up with cats that have influenced me in one fashion or another.

I got my real taste of playing in high school when I joined the marching band and later the jazz stage band. Started my first rock band in high school and other than taking a little break when I was serving in the Navy I’ve been a part of many musical projects. I’ve been a studio musician, a hired gun for live shows and everything between.

There’s always been something animalistic and tribal that has kept me going and still beating the crap out of things I’ve just been able to upgrade what I’m beating on now.

Looking at Soultone from a budget level when you have to watch every penny you spend you can get a high quality of cymbal at a good price without sacrificing. I know for myself I don’t want to have to purchase a lower quality of a cymbal that won’t project or feel right just because I’m on a budget. In short you will get way more from Soultone than what you’re paying for.

These damn things can take a beating and I tend to hit pretty hard. Very musical on every level. So far these are the only cymbals that I’ve used that don’t start to crack from my abuse.

Honestly I’ll have to go back to being budget conscious. If you’re a beginner you don’t want to sacrifice quality with price. Everyone wants to sound like their heroes and with Soultone you can do just that. Secondly I just don’t think you can beat the cut and tone of these bad boys as well as having a really cool looking logo. Don’t we all wanna look good on stage.

Soultone has helped me step up my cymbal game for sure. Makes me sound better and look better. The Artist Relations staff have been awesome and helped me through every step from placing my first order, helping me with my signature cymbals, and keeping me updated with new products. It’s been a great experience from day one and I’m happy to be a part of the Soultone family.

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My Soultone Set: 

14" Custom Brilliant Hi hat
18" Custom Brilliant Crash
20" Custom Brilliant Crash
22" Custom Brilliant Ride
