Judah Williams
Born June 10, 2005 Judah has literally been playing since birth. Born premature, he was given a slim chance at life from the beginning. His parents were told he may not cry at birth because of his severe prematurity. Born 1 lb 12 oz., he proved the doctors wrong with a loud scream as he was born. In his mother’s womb, he had the heaviest kicks and rhythms, due to his mom being in church with music all around. He has been around music all of his life. Playing in church since age 3, he would follow all of the drummers in the church and practice and imitate the sounds he heard. He would find anything that resembled drum sticks and play anywhere and at any time. Born into music, his grandfather was Claydes “Charles” Smith of Kool and the Gang, lead guitarist and one of the founding members of the band. His mom, August is a singer and dad Rich is a dj and musician. Judah also plays keyboards and produces music tracks. He is currently an understudy with his grandfather’s group, as a drum tech and drummer.
20" Abby Ride
18" Abby Crash
16" Abby Crash
14" Abby Hi Hat Pair