Juan Camargo | SoultoneCymbals.com

Juan Camargo

Juan Camargo

<p>Juan Camargo</p>
 Profile Photo

Juan Camargo was born in Ibague, Colombia and started playing drums at the age of 8-year-old. He
began to play at the age of 12 at a local church. When he finished high school, he travelled to Argentina
to study music focused on Jazz and also, to study music production. At that time, he began to play with
other musicians from different countries. Juan has developed experience in the music industry as a
musician, working with a lot of bands and international artists as a recording, touring and live drummer
across different countries.

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/juancamargodrummer/
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/juancamargodrummerfacebook

My Soultone Set: 

14" Gospel Hi Hats
10" Gospel Splash
8" Explosion Splash
18" FXO 12 J Crash
17" Custom Brilliant Crash
10" Custom Brilliant China / 12" FXO 6 Splash – Stack
19" Natural Heavy Hammered Crash
22" Natural Heavy Hammered Ride
18" FXO 6 China / 19" FXO B6 Crash – Stack
20" Explosion China