Jess Lambert |

Jess Lambert

Jess Lambert

Broken Hymns, Mustard

Jess Lambert is a self-taught drummer from the UK living in Western Australia. Her early passion for
music started with guitar, but after her move to Australia she learnt that her preferred position would
be behind the kit, taking influence from drummers such as Steve Judd (Karnivool), Jay Postones
(TesseracT) and Paul Seidel (The Ocean). She has played in several bands over the years, but not sits
happily in prog-metal outfit Broken Hymns, and blues rock 5-piece Mustard. More recently, she has
branched out and started promoting herself individually through posting covers and other drum related
content. She is extremely happy to be welcomed as part of the Soultone Cymbal family!

My Soultone Set: 

20" Explosion Ride
18" Explosion Crash
16" Explosion Crash
8" Explosion Splash
16" Explosion China
15" Explosion Hi Hats