Jacob Frago
Originally from Ellington, Missouri, Jacob spent most of his time growing up in Leadwood,
Missouri. He is the youngest of three and hits the drums harder than most drummers you know.
Jacob started playing by default. The church his father pastor'd was in need of a drummer and
he was determined to play the drums rather than hearing his dad try to play. Being
homeschooled, he had a great amount of free time, while others were in public school. This
gave him a desire to go deeper in experimenting with his drums. After learning a little bit here
and there from multiple instructors, he began teaching himself and encouraged Johnny to start a
band with him. With a strong family history of being gifted in musical and vocal abilities, his
musical abilities began to be honed in singing and percussion. Jacob and Johnny were
challenged, by a lady they knew in May 2014, to play for the Bismark Freedom Fest as the band
name of Golden Ticket. This was before the name change during the following month. Jacob,
the youngest one of the band, is the original founder of the band.
Social Media Links:
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8XoiSwQNqo9pZtaBc2rwSg/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/JacobFrago/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jacobfragodrums/
Twitter/X - https://x.com/jacobfrago/
14 Inch Heavy Hammered/Natural Hi-Hats
18 Inch Heavy Hammered/Natural Crash
22 Inch Heavy Hammered Crash
22 Inch Heavy Hammered/Natural Crash Ride
18 Inch FXO 6 Crash