Jackson Hardin
Jackson Hardin is a 19-year-old drummer from Glasgow, Kentucky. He
has been playing drums for 15 years. Starting from hitting things with
his hands as a young boy, to playing drums in a band. Jackson plays in a
group called ‘Guilty’. They play southern rock, blues, hard rock, and
sometimes get a little funky. Growing up, Jackson’s main influence was
John Fred Young, from the band ‘Black Stone Cherry’. Jackson was also
influenced by John Bonham and Scott Phillips.
I am so thankful to be able to join the Soultone family. Ever since I first
received my cymbals, I have been very impressed with them. They are
some of the most beautiful cymbals I have ever played, by how they
look and how they sound.
19” Custom Series Crash
19” Custom Brilliant Series Crash
20” Extreme Series Crash
21” Custom Brilliant RA Series Crash Ride
18” Gospel Series China
14” Old K Prototype Series Hi-Hats
8” Gospel Series Splash
5” Bronze Bell