Jędrzej Cypryjański | SoultoneCymbals.com

Jędrzej Cypryjański

Jędrzej Cypryjański


Jędrzej Cypryjański, born in Szczecin, Poland. He started playing drums at the age of 13. In May 2018 he started a progressive rock band called "Yallow". They played many shows in their hometown and won the "wild card" prize at Festiwal Garaże 2019. In November 2019 they released a self titled EP. In June 2020 he joined a Polish rock band called "ETA". Together they played a few on-line and live shows (including shows on Antyradio). In August 2020 he recorded with "ETA" their second album titled "Plan B" in Perlazza Studio (Poznań, Poland). In March 2022 he left the band to focus on new musical projects. In July 2022 he put out a single called "my place on earth" promoting his first drum EP called "my memories." and performed on No Tommorow Fest 2022 in Szczecin. Also he formed a new emo band "meatballs" and they have plans to record an EP and play some shows.

Main music influences:
Green Day
Blink 182
Angels and Airwaves
The Police
Fever 333

Favorite drummers:
Travis Barker
Aric Improta
Stewart Copeland

My Soultone Set: 

9" Custom Brilliant Splash
8" Natural Splash/10" FXO 5 Splash Stack
15" Vintage Old School Patina Hi Hats
14" Custom Brilliant Hi Hats
18" Custom Brilliant China
18" FXO 6 Effect Crash
19" Custom Brilliant Crash
20" Custom Brilliant Crash
21" Natural Crash/Ride


Plan B