Hunter Josephson
I am a self taught drummer born in the small town of Ishpeming in the Upper Peninsula of
Michigan. Music has always been a huge part of my life.
I have always had a love for the drums. I used the Rock Band game to learn basic grooves and
fills to some of my favorite songs when I was a kid. But when I joined band in middle school, I
picked up the trumpet and fell in love with it.
A few years after graduating high school, I had the itch to drum. So a few friends and I started a
band, and we found pretty good local success. That's when I connected with Soultone for the
best cymbals for our sound.
Our current band, No Expectations, is working towards some very exciting things, like recording
and traveling.
I am so happy to be part of the Soultone family and I am excited to see what the future holds!
Facebook- No Expectations
Instagram- @noexpectationsmi
22" Explosion Ride
20" Explosion Crash
18" Explosion Crash
16" Explosion Crash
14" Explosion Hi Hats