Ernesto Gonzalez
Ernesto Gonzalez was born in Guanabacoa, Havana, Cuba. He was a child who, from a very early age, showed his attraction to music and percussion. His grandfather built him a wooden stool and he followed the music on the radio, playing the rhythm. No one in the family noticed Ernesto's talent and put him to study music. Time passed and Ernesto continued to be drawn to music. The time came for his military service in Cuba. Ernesto went to see a band rehearse after lunch, but he was always focused on the drums. At the time of the festival, the drummer was absent and, as everyone knew about Ernesto's love for percussion, he played all the songs with the band that night, even though he had not studied music or ever played a drum. The next day he had a music test, but he failed. He never gave up on his dream. In 1994, Ernesto left Cuba for the United States, Miami, where he began his studies with instructors from percussion, lewis rainbow, Ivan zervigon, miguel hernandez, studying various genres of music, rock, jazz, latin jazz, among many more, Ernesto is a Christian and has been playing in several churches in South Florida for 30 years, he was a volunteer musician for MAS (MIAMI ARTS STUDIO) where he played with the choir directed by director RYAN ELLIS at NEW WORLD SYMPHONY HALL, he has also played with several Christian bands such as BLEST, DANI DRIGGS, MOISES CARRAZANA, OMAR CINTRON of the CINTRON BROTHERS, also in several annual events of the SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION in different cities of FLORIDA, Ernesto does not stop improving himself in drums and percussion to play better at each event that is presented, his love for the drums is infinite and also his 13 year old son Ernesto Gonzales Jr follows in his footsteps, INFINITE THANKS TO SOULTONE SYMBALS for the opportunity to belong to their family,
21" Extreme Ride
16" Extreme Crash
16" FXO 12
14" Extreme Hi Hat Pair