Elizabeth “Lizzy” Tobell
Elizabeth “Lizzy” Tobell, is a young drummer of 9 years old, who lives in North Carolina.. At 2 years old, she did a drum roll on her father’s drums and that’s when her parents knew she was going to be a gifted drummer. She started playing with a live band when she was 5 years old. Her first performance was at a place called, The Ice House in Selma, NC. She performed with a local band called, Louis Waymore band. Since then she has performed with local bands, Without Further Ado, The Super Grit Cowboy band, Johnathan Parker, The Antique Outlaws, Eric Strickland band, and Rebel Fox, at different places. She is in a Bluegrass band called, Highway 58. She plays different genres of music such as Country, Classic Rock, and Bluegrass. “Lizzy” also likes to sing as well and play drums at the same time. Lizzy also has done studio work for her first CD. When she grows up, she would like to be the drummer at the Grand Ole Opry. With her being young and gifted in music at this age, she can only excel with her musical talent.
Artist Testimonial
What makes Soultone cymbals different from other brands you have tried?
“They sound better!”
What do you love about Soultone Cymbals?
“They sound good to my ear.”
Why do you think other drummers should try them?
“They are good for all types of music.”
How has Soultone Cymbals helped you as a drummer?
“Helping me get out there.”
Social Media
Abby 4 piece pack;
20" Ride
16" Crash
18" Crash
14" Hi Hats