Alex Crawford |

Alex Crawford

Alex Crawford

Rated M, Murphy’s Law, Badmagick, Ozzlands

Alex Crawford was born on April 16th, 2002 in Connecticut. He plays a variety of different genres of music such as Progressive Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy/Thrash Metal, Jazz, and Blues.

His passion for playing drums began at the age of 5 idolizing drummers such as Neil Peart and John Bonham. Throughout High School, he performed in the Jazz Ensemble and won the Louis Armstrong Jazz Award for his dedication to the program and outstanding musical achievement. Later in his teenage years, he began and is currently playing with local hard rock talents in the New England music scene Rated M and Badmagick. His future goals are to be a touring and session musician for bands or solo artists

There are many aspects that make Soultone cymbals different from other cymbal brands I’ve tried. The cymbals deliver a full sound and easily project at live shows. They are also much lighter than other cymbals I’ve tried.

I love using Soultone Cymbals because of how unbelievable they sound both on stage and recording. They have a great attack and feel which makes them stand out compared to other companies.

Soultone has helped me as a drummer by giving me the opportunity to get my name and playing out to the public.

Current bands -
Rated M
Murphy’s Law
Ozzlands- New Englands Ozzy Osbourne/Badlands Tribute

Social media accounts

Instagram- @alexcrawfordmusic

Facebook- Alex Crawford

My Soultone Set: 

21” Extreme Series Ride
16” Extreme Series Crash
18” Extreme Series Crash
18” Extreme Series Crash
14” Extreme Series Hi Hats
13” Extreme Series Hi Hats
16” Extreme Series China
10” Vintage Series Splash
12” Vintage Series Splash